Talk – P. G. Wodehouse and the Men of Tost

Emsworth Community Centre North Street, Emsworth, Hampshire, United Kingdom

This is the results of a two-year project investigating the time British author PG Wodehouse spent at the Nazi Internment Camp at Tost (now Toszek) in Silesia; it evaluates his own writing on the topic alongside the memoirs, letters and reminiscences of other former inmates in order to compile a compelling story of this civilian...


Talk – Portsmouth Part III 1850 to 1930

Emsworth Community Centre North Street, Emsworth, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Andrew picks up the history in 1850 when billions of pounds were being spent to protect the navy and the dockyard was the largest factory complex in the world, employing over 4,000 people. The town was dangerous and filthy but over the next thirty years became healthier and wealthier, in general, though there continued to...


Talk – Wildlife Crime: a Global Issue

Emsworth Community Centre North Street, Emsworth, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Dr Pamment is a Principal Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice and this talk will provide an overview of wildlife crime within the UK and internationally including the trade in endangered species such as rhino and elephant poaching.
