Exhibition – Living with War in Emsworth: The Valerie Bacon Diaries 1939-1945

Emsworth Museum 10b North Street, Emsworth, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Personal diaries and letters are a valuable resource for looking into the past. Demonstrates the value of written diaries, letters and annotated, printed photographs as a research resource in a way that digitised diaries and social media may never be… if they survive!

Exhibition – Brickmaking in Emsworth and the Local Area

Emsworth Museum 10b North Street, Emsworth, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Brickmaking in EmsworthBefore the widespread use of the internal combustion engine brick making was a localised activity. Seams of clay suitable for making bricks run through Emsworth, Rowlands Castle and Hayling Island and they have been exploited since the Roman period. Often brick making was seasonal and incorporated into the annual farming cycle. This exhibition...

Emsworth Arts Trail

Ben Timmis will be displaying his photographs during all 5 days of the Art Trail: April 22nd, 23rd, 29th 30th, and May 1stHe originally spent 4 months in a professional darkroom learning traditional photographic development and enlarging techniques before turning to digital photography in 2003.He is a semi-retired Consultant Radiologist and has been taking photographs...