Talk – P. G. Wodehouse and the Men of Tost
March 6 @ 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
This is the results of a two-year project investigating the time British author PG Wodehouse spent at the Nazi Internment Camp at Tost (now Toszek) in Silesia; it evaluates his own writing on the topic alongside the memoirs, letters and reminiscences of other former inmates in order to compile a compelling story of this civilian internment camp in order to fill a gap in existing research
Christine has been working at the University of Portsmouth since August 2009, first as Senior Lecturer in English Literature and, since 2019, as Reader in Literature. Over the past years she has held a number of additional admin roles, most recently that of Global Engagement Lead for the School of Area Studies, History, Politics and Literature (January 2018 to December 2021). She is now Associate Head of School for Global Engagement. Before Christine came to Portsmouth, she held a seven-year Lectureship in 19th and 20th Century Literature at the University of Derby. This partly overlapped her PhD research on the Image of the English Gentleman in 20th Century Literature which was conducted at the University of York. Before that she completed an MA in English Literature, Spanish and Latinamerican Language and Literature, and Modern History at the University of the Saarland in Germany.