The 48th Annual General Meeting of the Emsworth Maritime & Historical Trust was held on 9th March in the Community Centre. Among the speakers was curator, Phil Magrath who spoke about the Outreach programme in which both he and Shelagh Standen, the membership secretary, have been involved. Hewitt’s Café in South Street is a centre where young people with Special Needs can express themselves through art – both paintings and artwork/designs which are used to make items such as cushions and tea towels to sell. Phil and Shelagh have been several times with different objects, and a visit with clay pipes in particular produced some very interesting artwork.
Following the resignation from the committee of Mrs Christine Bury, Dr Ben Timmis (LRPS) has been elected to the committee. Ben is responsible for many of the photographs in this issue of the Newsletter.
Subjects discussed during the evening were the implementation of a new constitution and the raising of subscriptions. These topics and others are covered overleaf in the Chairman’s Report.

Above Left: Membership Secretary, Shelagh Standen

Curator, Phil Magrath

Treasurer, James Melrose and Minute Secretary, Sue Soames