Emsworth Timeline

Prepared at request of Friends of Havant Museum, who are preparing a time line for the whole Borough of Havant – January 2012)



500 AD – Weobold reputed to have sailed into Chichester Harbour and established a settlement at Warblington

935AD – Charter of Havant granted by King Athelstan establishes western boundary of Parish

980AD – Charter of Havant reestablishes the boundaries.  This charter under King Ethelred.

980AD – Manor of Warblington held by the Godwin family as part of their holdings of Bosham, Westbourne and Charlton.

1066 – Manor of Warblington given to Roger Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury as part of the Manor of Westbourne.

1086 – Doomsday Book lists Warblington as being part of the Manor of Westbourne with 2 churches and a mill.  The whole Manor had 29 families and 2 slaves i.e. about 120 people.  There were also 7 plough teams, meaning about 850 acres of land under cultivation

1216 – King John reputed to have divided the Manor of Warblington into two.  William Aguillon paid rent of “a pair of gilt spurs yearly” for the land at Emelsworth.  First official mention of Emsworth as a separate entity

1231 – In a charter dated 30th June, Henry III confirmed his father’s grant to William Aguillon

1239 Grant of a weekly market on Wednesdays and an annual fair on 7th July at Emsworth.  Grant given to Herbert Fitzherbert.

1341 – Emsworth is one of only 5 towns in Hampshire considered big enough to provide a ship to carry the Keeper of the Channel Islandsand his force to defend the islands

1343 – Rent of Emsworth sold to Nicholas Devenish, a former Mayor of Winchester and successful wool merchant

1346 – Richard Marshall appointed “Gauger of Wines” or customs official for Chichester and Southampton.  Emsworth is listed as one of the landing sites for Chichester

1348 – A special commission set up to investigate the smuggling industry in Emsworth

1251 – Mention in the Patent Rolls of a hospital dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene devoted to the care of lepers and maintenance of the ford over the River Ems in the Hermitage area of Emsworth

1527 – Will of Simon Coates left an endowment of land, a house and a chapel maintain the hermitage and leper hospital in Hermitage and to maintain the bridge.

1570 – First mention of the Lord’s Mill in Queen Street

1574 – Emsworth could only muster 45 able bodied men for the Militia Roll, showing a town in decline.

1640 – First mention of “Slipper” meaning a plot of land

1664 – The Hearth Tax shows 52 houses in Emsworth, but 21 were too poor to pay the tax. About 230 people live in Emsworth

1665 – first mention of The Crown in High Street, as The Three Crowns

1670 – Customs system reorganized and Port of Chichester’s boundary is moved from west of Emsworth to the east.  This becomes the county boundary.

1670 – First mention of The Ship public house on The Square

1700 – John Smith is the first shipbuilder recorded in Emsworth with a yard on the Westbrook Stream

1702 – Benjamin Holloway sailed from Chichester Harbour in the Katherine & Mary carry sugar, cheese, vinegar, gingerbread, marble and tar.  He sailed frequently to Oporto in Portugal.

1706 – Thomas Hendy married Ann Manser, thus linking two main Emsworth families

1711 – First mention of The Black Dog public house on The Square

1714 – Thomas Hendy is master of a vessel trading in grain from Emsworth to Chichester

1731 – John Holloway married Mary Brett and part of the marriage settlement was Trentham House

1750 – The Sussex Brewery built for the Miller family

1755 – Emsworth lists 15 men as Master Mariners with several mariners and many fishermen

1760 – Slipper Mill built by Thomas Hendy at mouth of River Ems

1760 – Wadeway to Thorney Island diverted by Thomas Hendy to run from bottom of Sweare Lane (King Street)

1760 – 24,000 oysters dredged on one tide and sold in Portsmouth

1761 – John King married his cousin and moved to Emsworth

1762 – Turnpiking of the Portsmouth to Chichester Road and Stakes Bridge built

1763 – Emsworth Friendly Society founded

1770 – John King settled in Sweare Lane (King Street) and set up ship building partnership with Mr. Norris

1775 – Joseph Holloway was presented with a silver salver by the owners of the Charming Mary has he saved her from wrecking. 

1790 Proprietary Chapel of St Peter built in the Square, Emsworth

1792 – John King II was licensee of The Crown, which was a coaching inn and he rebuilt the frontage to include a large porch with a crown on top.

1792 – Rope walk at Hermitage is owned by Richard and Stephen Miller

1795 – The Hut was built by John King.  Known as the House that was built in a day.  It was prefabricated in his ship yard and took 16 hours to assemble

1800 John King I died – There were 3 John Kings

1802 Cricket match  played between Hambledon and Emsworth at Coldharbour, Emsworth, on site of present Recreation ground

1803 Loyal Havant Infantry and Loyal Emsworth Infantry Companies formed. United in 1804 under the title The Havant and Emsworth Loyal Volunteers

1805 – Caroline, Princess of Wales came to Emsworth for sea-bathing.

1807 – Jack Pitt was tried as a highwayman, who worked along the Havant Road near Nore Farm. He was hanged on Southsea Common

1808 Independent Chapel opened in Nile Street, Emsworth

1810 – Robert Harfield built a purpose built bathing house at the end of the road, now known as Bath Road

1810 – The first elementary school is opened in Emsworth

1811 – There were 284 houses in Emsworth housing 1358 people

1811 – Land which is now Recreation Ground in Horndean Road, was sold to William Bean Young, with special conditions attached so that could be used for public recreation and the playing of cricket

1814 Coldharbour Green and Emsworth Common, in Warblington parish, enclosed

1817 – A survey by Walter Butler found 30 fishing boats sailing out of Emsworth

1820 – Emsworth Corn and Cattle Market is started and trades on The Square

1821 – 4 stage coaches a day pass through Emsworth from Chichester to Cosham.

1821 – Adolphus Miller owns the rope walk at Hermitage

1821 – James Tatchell owned the rope works and sail making yard in Sweare Lane

1823 – John King III takes over eastern part of ship yard as a timber yard, while his brother William retained the remainder as a ship yard

1823 – Portsmouth to Arundel Canal opens, runs through the harbour to the south of Emsworth and opens up inland waterways to London

1830 – John Harris is the last man in Emsworth to be sentenced to sit in the stocks.  He was a shoemaker who had got too drunk to work.

1830 ‘Captain Swing’ rioters pass through Havant. Threshing machine destroyed in Emsworth

1834 – Emsworth Tithe Map is drawn up with the Tithe Report in 1838

1834 – The Poor House in North Street is closed and the Poor Law Union is amalgamated with the Havant Union Work House.

1839 Foundation stone laid for parish church of St James, Emsworth

1842 – Queen Victoria and Prince Albert rode through Emsworth on way from Arundel to Portsmouth.  She is greeted at County Border by Duke of Wellington as Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire.

1843 – England and France sign a convention prohibiting the dredging of oysters between 1st May and 30th September.  Fishermen of Emsworth are unable to dredge during summer months.

1847 – LondonBrighton and South Coast Railway constructed and passes through Emsworth

1848 Baptist Chapel opened in North Street, Emsworth

1854 Gasworks established in Havant and Emsworth

1855 – William Foster bought John King boat yard from David Palmer Walker

1858 – James Duncan Foster born

1858 – Henry Cribb took over sea-bathing business based in building at the end of Bath Road – Bathing House.

1860 Havant & Emsworth Volunteer Rifle Corps formed

1860 – James Terry owned Lumley Mill.

1861 – William Foster built his first vessel the Jane E. Foster

1863 National School opened in Emsworth

1867 – New Slipper Mill built to south of main Slipper Mill where entrance to Emsworth Marina is now situated

1867 – Elizabeth Holloway died in Saxted House.  She was the last of the Holloway family.  There are over 250 members of the family connected with Emsworth

1870 – William Foster employed George Apps of Bosham to build his ships.  The yard became known as Apps Yard

1872 - Portsmouth Water Company empowered to supply water to Emsworth by The Board of Trade

1873 – First iron conduit water pipes laid from Havant to Emsworth

1875 – James Duncan (J.D.) started his oyster and scallop business

1881 – Albert Tatchell ( son of James) employed 10 men and 2 boys in the rope and sail works

1884 – Last male member of the King family dies

1886 – New Slipper Mill burnt down and its pond used for seasoning timber from Foster’s Yard

1887 – Hospital opened in King Street, but is moved in when new hospital is opened in 1898

1888 – Emsworth Boating Club holds the first recorded regatta in Emsworth Harbour

1889 – J.D. Foster built his first oyster smack - Thistle

1894 – Queen Street mill burnt down and rebuilt

1894 – First medical report raising concerns about sewage polluting Emsworth Harbour

1895 – The first sailing club is founded in Emsworth, but it has closed by 1902

1898 – The Ark for sorting and storing oysters was in position in the Emsworth Channel.  It cost £2,000

1898 -Emsworth Victoria Cottage Hospital open in North Street to mark Queen Victoria’s Dimond Jubilee.

1898 Gloyne’s Brewery and six public houses sold to Emsworth brewers Kinnell & Hartley

1899 X-Ray apparatus installed in the Victoria Cottage Hospital, Emsworth

1900 – June – The Early Closing Movement suggested that trading in the shops of Emsworth will cease at 7.00pm each day

1900 – Warblington Urban District Council and the fire brigade moved into the new Council Offices in North Street

1901 – J.D. Foster launched his first all steam powered oyster smack – Echo.  She was considered the most advanced fishing vessel to sail from a British port at that time.

1901 – New steam fire engine provided for Emsworth Fire Brigade.  Named Edward VII

1901 – Albert Apps built a barge called Langstone for the Little family of Havant, who ran Langstone Quay.

1902 – In December oysters served at 4 banquets in area are found to be cause of typhoid outbreak in which Dean of Winchester died. 43 other guests became ill.

1903 – In January Emsworth Harbour is declared polluted with sewage and the sale of oysters from Emsworth is banned.

1903 – Stakes bridge rebuilt

1903 – Foundation stone is laid for new permanent Post Office in North Street

1903 – The Salvationists held their new branch meeting on Thursday in the Town Hall.

1904 – In October the case of JD Foster –v- Warblington Urban District Council comes to court and finds in favour of Foster.  He wanted a principle established that made Local Authorities responsible for pollution of harbours and inshore waters.

1904 - P.G. Wodehouse came to live in Emsworth, initially in Emsworth House School and then at Threepwood in Record Road

1906 – Warblington Urban District Council appeals against findings of legal proceedings, but lose the appeal, although damages awarded to Foster are reduced.

1906 – James Terry died and left Lumley Mill to his nephew Alfred

1909 Emsworth Recreation Ground opened

1909 – 4th October – Emsworth Council School opened in Washington Road with 102 infants and 222 older children Mr. Armstrong was head master

1912 – Major storm damaged Slipper Mill and it had to be rebuilt

1912 Pavilion Cinema, Emsworth opened

1914 – First sewer excavated across Slipper Pond

1914 – P.G. Wodehouse left Emsworth to holiday in U.S.A.  He arrived the day 1st World War broke out and did not return to Emsworth

1914 – October – Football Club obtains permission to erect goalposts in the Recreation Ground

1914 – Northlands (a private house at this time) was converted to a Red Cross Hospital providing refuge for Belgian refugees and treatment for wounded soldiers.

1914 – 13th November – Bertie Goodall presented with The Royal Humane Society’s Certificate in attempting to save the life of a drowning boy.

1915 – All street lights to be shaded and only showing light downwards

1915 Alfred Terry sold Lumley Mill. Rumour suggests he sold in order to join the army

1916 – A Zeppelin airship (L31) involved in a raid on Portsmouth flew over Emsworth to the great excitement of the population

1916 – The sewage treatment works in Thornham Lane, built in conjunction with Westbourne Rural District Council are finally opened.

1916 – The ban on selling oysters from Emsworth is finally lifted with the opening of the new sewage treatment works.

1917 – Isobel Silver made national news when she drove the horse team that pulled the first engine to the Blendworth House fire.

1919 – Water Carnival is revived as part of Emsworth Peace Celebrations at the end of 1st World War

1919 – Jack Cribb sold the Bathing House in Bath Road to Miss Duffield, who then sold it to Major Whitaker of Stansted to found Emsworth Sailing Club

1920 Wolf Cub Pack started at Emsworth

1921 – Emsworth Slipper Sailing Club founded

1923 Havant and Emsworth supplied with mains electricity

1924 – Chichester and Emsworth Harbours for a regulatory body to coordinate leisure sailing activities in the harbours

1926 – The Anchor pub at bottom of South Street, which was used as a customs house, closes

1927 – Mr. Noel Kinnell left a donation in his Will for the improvement of the mill pond wall, leveling the top and constructing a proper walkway.

1927 – Dr. Lockhart Stephens retired from practice in Emsworth.  He had served in 1st World War with Red Cross and was respected by war veterans

1927 – Royal British Legion club building was constructed in North Street, behind the Baptist Church

1927 – The oyster smack Sylvia was lost with all hands off St. Catherine’s Point, south of the Isle of Wight.  John Parham was captain with 5 crew.

1928 – Windflower, a luxury yawl, was launched in Emsworth from Mr. Kemp’s yard for Dr. H. French.  It is the first yacht of any size to be launched for 26 years.

1932 – Southern Railways publish a leaflet “Yachting on the South Coast” extolling the waters of Chichester Harbour and mentions the Emsworth waterfront amenities and sailing clubs, to encourage Londoners to use the train to come sailing.

1935 – J.D. Foster’s saw mill and sail loft were burnt down.  Losses included scale models of all the oyster smacks and the plans.

1935 – Slipper Mill purchased by Leigh Thomas & Co Ltd and limited to self-raising flour.

1937 – Basil Williams registered Hants & Sussex Motor Services Ltd with a share capital of £1,000

1938 – J.D. Foster celebrates is 80th birthday by cycling 100 miles to the New Forest and back

1938 – Chequers Garage opened by Ben Jones

1939 – Hants & Sussex Motor Services obtained a license to run a bus service between Emsworth Station and R.A.F. Thorney Island

1939 Emsworth House School requisitioned by the Admiralty for the duration of the War.  School did not reopen on this site.

1940 – J.D. Foster died

1941 Two magnetic bombs were dropped by German aircraft in Emsworth Channel.  100 houses were destroyed and many shop fronts were blown in

1943 Bombs dropped on Emsworth.  One fell in Bath Road and destroyed houses, but did not explode. Residents were evacuated toWashington Road School until they could be rehoused

1943 – May – Wings for Victory event in Emsworth raised money to help fund 8 spitfires from the Havant area

1944 – 5th Battalion, The King’s Regiment embarked from Emsworth to take part in the D-Day landings

1946 – 8th June – Emsworth Victory Celebrations held to mark the end of 2nd World War

1946 – Recreational sailing resumes in Emsworth Harbour and the Federation of Sailing Clubs is reformed

1950 – The covered seating and bus shelter on The Square is built and dedicated to the fallen of the 2nd World War

1950 – Lillywhite Bros garage opened at bottom of Queen Street and still trading

1953 – Water Carnival is part of Coronation Celebrations with over 30 decorated boats on the Mill Pond and 90 children taking part in the fancy dress competitions

1955 – Warblington Secondary School opened and Emsworth Schools would only teach 5 to 11 years

1958 Emsworth House relinquished by the Admiralty and Hampshire County Council rebuilt it as residential home for the elderly

1960 – Horrocks Hardware shop and Beta Marine were burnt down in a major fire in the High Street

1962 – Royal British Legion Hall in North Street burnt down.

1963 – Emsworth Marina construction begins

1966 – Slipper Mill Pond Preservation Association formed to look after the pond, when milling ceased

1966 – Bicentenial meeting of Emsworth Friendly Society held in October

1970 Emsworth designated a Conservation Area by Havant Borough Council

1970 – The Town Mill in Queen Street is closed for flour milling and becomes offices and workshops

1971 – Chichester Harbour Conservancy takes over control of Emsworth and Chichester Harbours

1972 – Dittman & Malpas sell the Quay Mill at bottom of South Street to the Emsworth Slipper Sailing Club who refit it as their permanent club house

1974 Emsworth inner relief road opened bypassing the Square

1975 – St. James’ C of E School moved from Church Path to new building in Bellevue Lane

1978 – The Ark and remains of oyster smacks removed from Emsworth Harbour.

1979 – Last Miller member of the family dies and Sussex Brewery sold.  Known as the filthiest pub in the area and they took 75 tons of rubbish away to empty it.

1988 - A27 by-pass constructed and opened to give relief from large vehicles passing through Emsworth

1988 Emsworth Museum opened

1995 – Jetty is built out from the promenade to give easier access for boats at high tide

2006 A skatepark opened at Emsworth

2008 – 24th August – Emsworth had Olympic Flag handover day with young athletes running around the town centre displaying the flag, and youth groups enjoyed tea and cakes in Baptist Church gardens

2009 - The Memorial Garden, the brainchild of Harold Groom, has now been given official recognition as a war memorial. The names of the fallen which have been commemorated on plaques fitted to concrete bases and designed to complement ‘Absence’, were in place in time for the Dedication Ceremony.

 2010 – a devastating winter flood hit Bridge Road and Selangor Avenue properties and returned again the following year.

 2011 – Plans for a disabled-access ramp on the northern platform (Platform 2) at Emsworth Railway Station are initiated and opens in 2012.

2011 – The Emsworth Brewery was set up by Hilary and Michael Bolt in West Street.
Emsworth has a very successful Food Festival. The Brookfield hosts a PG Wodehouse weekend.
2011 – a collage depicting Emsworth through the ages which was made by three Emsworth pupils of Warblington School was unveiled in the Community Centre. 
2012 – Emsworth Museum Administrator Linda Newell publishes her book ‘Uncovering the Past … Emsworth, Oysters and Men. The Museum also hosts three mature work experience students from Chichester University.
2012 – Confirmation was received that the Palmers Road/North Street gas holder is due for demolition in late 2015..
2012 – Nile Street chapel, where Olivia Holloway preached, and latterly a plastics company will be demolished and two properties built.
2013 – 25th Anniversary of the opening of the Museum celebrated.
2013 – Due to the generosity of Pam Clayton, former Editor of the ‘Emsworth Echo’, her will has enabled to Museum to erect a new oak-framed notice board outside the Museum. The museum acquires a laundry basket from Emsworth Steam Laundry, which was on New Brighton Road.
2014 – More flooding – this time in Lumley Terrace and Road, Queen Street, Brook Meadow and Gardens and again in Selangor Avenue.
2014 –The Emsworth & Havant Homing Society pigeon club, whose premises were in the grounds of Emsworth’s Community Centre behind the Museum, were given notice to close, one of their trophies being given to the Museum.
2014 – ‘Carriages’, the railway station cafe opens on Platform 1. Hutchins, in The Square, one of Emsworth’s oldest shops, owned by Marlene Barton closes. The premises later become ‘Cheese & Chutney’ and Mungo Brooks’ Emporium.
2014 – Building work starts on the new Baptist Church meeting hall, completed and opened in 2015..
2014 - Emsworth Sailing Club, founded in 1919, is hit by a car. Havant BC propose to move the Library to the Community Centre. 
2014 – 25 September, the premiere of the film ‘ Emsworth’s Oysters’, was held at the Brookfield and the Oyster Gallery in the main room of Emsworth Museum opened. 
2015 – Sadly we lose two important people in the life of Emsworrth Museum – our President Dr Margaret Rule and our Administrator Linda Newell. Plans are shelved pro tem for the library to move. 
2015 – 40th Anniversary of the formation of EM&HT.
2015 – Appointment of Philip Magrath as new Museum Curator.  

 2016 – The Gas holder is dismantled. Redlands Grange development at the top of New Brighton Road (between Emsworth and Westbourne) is completed. Two building developments at the top of Hollybank Lane and another on Long Copse Lane begin. Building work on the new Meeting Hall extension to Emsworth Baptist Church is completed. The Lobster Pot Christmas Tree on the Quay gains international publicity with plans to continue every Christmas. Costa Coffee opens.       

2017 - The Town Brewery (est. 1847) closes. Work commences on building 161 new properties at the corner of Southleigh Road and Horndean Road. Residents are invited to contribute views to the Public consultation taking place on any development to North Street (ie Victoria Cottage Hospital), the Town Hall (including the Museum and Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service) and the Post Office. Plans are shelved pro tem to move the Sorting Office to Havant.

2017 – The Museum appoints Lord Willetts as our new President. In his maiden speech in the House of Lords he said he felt unable to accept the title of ‘Lord Emsworth’. The last bank in Emsworth (Nat-West) closes, giving a tea party to customers, and the only banking now available is a mobile van which visits the Spice Village car park each Friday.

2021 - Emsworth Surgery moves to the newly refurbished Victoria Cottage Hospital which is renamed Emsworth Medical Practice.

2022 - Brook Hall, the former Baptist Church in Emsworth, is demolished.

Emsworth Timeline